Comic Blog Elite

Comic Blog Elite

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Back at it

Back to work on the comic. Nothing to show. Just posting. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Demon studies

Some random scrub to be or not to be included on the demon-rich page. Very little time going to the comic this week.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Daily or not

Looks like this blog is no longer a daily one. It's not for lack of interest on my part, or lack of energy or content. It's a spinning my wheels thing. I'm trying to drum up interest, and would rather be posting to excited comic fans rather than an empty room. I'll keep on sorting it out. 
For the next week I'm prepping for a music/wine/art festival where I'll be selling art. This means little or no DVD work. I'll have stuff to show, though. Here's a piece I'm working on I plan to print and sell.